What does a Librarian do?

Librarians are like superheroes who take care of libraries and help people find information!

What They Do:

They run libraries and make sure everyone can use them. Librarians work in schools, museums, and even companies. They handle all kinds of materials, like books, movies, and databases. They help people find what they need, teach them how to use technology, and keep everything organized.

How They Start:

To become a librarian, you usually need a master’s degree. But you don’t need any work experience or on-the-job training to get started.

A Day in the Library:

Librarians do many things! They sort through new books and materials. They teach others how to use computers and other equipment. They choose what books and materials to get for the library. They search for information to help people find what they’re looking for. They also keep track of what’s happening in the library.

What They Know:

Librarians know a lot about helping people and using computers. They’re also good at organizing things and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Skills They Have:

They’re great at reading, listening, and speaking. They think carefully about how to solve problems and are good at writing.

Their Abilities:

Librarians are good at talking and listening, understanding what they read, and writing things down clearly. They’re also great at paying attention to details and putting things in order.


In Pennsylvania, librarians can earn around $62,000 a year. It’s a fantastic reward for their hard work in keeping our knowledge safe and accessible!

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