Kid Careers exists to help Pennsylvania’s young people find a fulfilling career that suits their individual abilities and interests in our state.

Nearly half of our high school and college graduates finish their education unprepared to enter the workforce. Making matters even worse, Pennsylvania has been experiencing a steady population decline, spurred in part by residents seeking better opportunities in other states.

In the past we were mostly born into our vocations, but in the modern world there seems to be an infinite number choices one could make about their future. This confusion is made even worse by common platitudes like “You can be anything you want to be when you grow up”. While that may be true, without guidance and forethought, that field of infinite possibilities often turns into “decision paralysis” which fuels moves into dead-end jobs.

This lack of direction helps to create those decreased economic opportunities that are fueling the flight from our state. We are here to help turn that situation around!

Kid Careers is on a mission is to provide classroom and personal resources that will help today’s young people in Pennsylvania see that opportunities exist right here. We want to give these resources away for free, so that anyone can use them to improve the future.

To achieve our goals we need your help. Please donate to Kid Careers today. We want to see a state with a strong economy and a happy population that grows and thrives – your contribution is a step in that direction!

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